Episode 20: China Keeps Warming the Planet

SL Advisors Talks Energy
SL Advisors Talks Energy
Episode 20: China Keeps Warming the Planet

In this week’s podcast, Simon Lack comments on how China’s coal use is expanding to offset global efforts against climate change

Sources mentioned in podcast:




Episode 19: Better Run Companies Do Better

SL Advisors Talks Energy
SL Advisors Talks Energy
Episode 19: Better Run Companies Do Better

In this week’s podcast, Simon Lack comments on how better corporate governance is helping returns

Episode 18: What if we Phased Out Coal?

SL Advisors Talks Energy
SL Advisors Talks Energy
Episode 18: What if we Phased Out Coal?

In this week’s podcast, Simon Lack comments on phasing out coal

Sources mentioned in podcast:

NYTimes article


Episode 17: Developing Countries Must Fight Harder on Climate Change

SL Advisors Talks Energy
SL Advisors Talks Energy
Episode 17: Developing Countries Must Fight Harder on Climate Change

In this week’s podcast, Simon Lack comments on developing countries inaction on climate change

Sources mentioned in podcast:

NYTimes article

Miami Will Be Underwater Soon

Polluted Oceans

Episode 16: Celebrity Climate Change Shaming

SL Advisors Talks Energy
SL Advisors Talks Energy
Episode 16: Celebrity Climate Change Shaming

In this week’s podcast, Simon Lack complains about celebrities lecturing us on climate change

Sources mentioned in podcast:

Leonardo DiCaprio

Katy Perry at Google Camp

Julia Roberts, James Cameron and Al Gore

If you missed our webinar last week, titled “Volumes, Cashflow and ESG”, here’s a link to a replay.

Episode 15: Climate Extremists and Falling US CO2

SL Advisors Talks Energy
SL Advisors Talks Energy
Episode 15: Climate Extremists and Falling US CO2

In this week’s podcast, Simon Lack talks about climate extremists and good news on US CO2 emissions


Sources mentioned in podcast:

Greta Thunberg in the Economist

New York Post on where CO2 emissions are growing

Extinction Rebellion video protesting on top of commuter train

EIA Short Term Energy Outlook

Episode 14: The Misdirection of Extinction Rebellion

SL Advisors Talks Energy
SL Advisors Talks Energy
Episode 14: The Misdirection of Extinction Rebellion

The Misdirection of Extinction Rebellion


In this week’s podcast, Simon Lack talks about Extinction Rebellion’s misguided objectives

Episode 13: Review of Russell Gold’s Superpower

SL Advisors Talks Energy
SL Advisors Talks Energy
Episode 13: Review of Russell Gold’s Superpower

Review of Russell Gold’s Superpower

In this week’s podcast, Simon Lack talks about his conclusions after reading Russell Gold’s recent book, Superpower

Episode 12: Greta’s Grandstanding

SL Advisors Talks Energy
SL Advisors Talks Energy
Episode 12: Greta's Grandstanding

Greta’s Grandstanding


In this week’s podcast, Simon Lack talks about Greta Thunberg’s UN speech and long term projections for energy use


Episode 11: Iran Teaches Dems Geopolitics

SL Advisors Talks Energy
SL Advisors Talks Energy
Episode 11: Iran Teaches Dems Geopolitics

Iran Promotes Fracking


In this week’s podcast, Simon Lack is going to talk about the lesson we should take from the attack on Saudi Arabia’s oil infrastructure

