Episode 21: Has Energy Sentiment ever Been Weaker?

In this week’s podcast, Simon Lack comments on sentiment among midstream energy infrastructure investors

Sources mentioned in podcast:


Episode 20: China Keeps Warming the Planet

In this week’s podcast, Simon Lack comments on how China’s coal use is expanding to offset global efforts against climate change

Sources mentioned in podcast:




Episode 19: Better Run Companies Do Better

In this week’s podcast, Simon Lack comments on how better corporate governance is helping returns

Episode 18: What if we Phased Out Coal?

In this week’s podcast, Simon Lack comments on phasing out coal

Sources mentioned in podcast:

NYTimes article


Episode 17: Developing Countries Must Fight Harder on Climate Change

In this week’s podcast, Simon Lack comments on developing countries inaction on climate change

Sources mentioned in podcast:

NYTimes article

Miami Will Be Underwater Soon

Polluted Oceans

Episode 16: Celebrity Climate Change Shaming

In this week’s podcast, Simon Lack complains about celebrities lecturing us on climate change

Sources mentioned in podcast:

Leonardo DiCaprio

Katy Perry at Google Camp

Julia Roberts, James Cameron and Al Gore

If you missed our webinar last week, titled “Volumes, Cashflow and ESG”, here’s a link to a replay.

Episode 15: Climate Extremists and Falling US CO2

In this week’s podcast, Simon Lack talks about climate extremists and good news on US CO2 emissions


Sources mentioned in podcast:

Greta Thunberg in the Economist

New York Post on where CO2 emissions are growing

Extinction Rebellion video protesting on top of commuter train

EIA Short Term Energy Outlook

Episode 14: The Misdirection of Extinction Rebellion

The Misdirection of Extinction Rebellion


In this week’s podcast, Simon Lack talks about Extinction Rebellion’s misguided objectives

Episode 13: Review of Russell Gold’s Superpower

Review of Russell Gold’s Superpower

In this week’s podcast, Simon Lack talks about his conclusions after reading Russell Gold’s recent book, Superpower

Episode 12: Greta’s Grandstanding

Greta’s Grandstanding


In this week’s podcast, Simon Lack talks about Greta Thunberg’s UN speech and long term projections for energy use