Entries by Jaclyn Rodriguez

Energy Wants To Invest In America

SL Advisors Talks Markets
SL Advisors Talks Markets
Energy Wants To Invest In America



$1.4TN is a huge sum by any standard. It’s more than Spain’s entire stock market capitalization and just behind Switzerland’s. It’s more than Indonesia’s GDP and not far below South Korea’s. This is the sum that the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has committed to invest in America over the next decade. It’s probably the best […]

Greenpeace Picks The Wrong Fight

SL Advisors Talks Markets
SL Advisors Talks Markets
Greenpeace Picks The Wrong Fight



In recent years climate extremists have become adept at weaponizing the legal system in pursuit of their dystopian aims. The Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP), which was built to move natural gas from West Virginia to Virginia, faced extensive delays with only a few miles left, because climate activists were able to persuade a judge to […]

Unloved Tariffs

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SL Advisors Talks Markets
Unloved Tariffs



There are few parts of America redder than Naples, FL.  Kamala Harris signs were nowhere to be seen last year. Florida has shifted from purple to red in recent years. A friend once received hostile comments from a local who noticed his Connecticut license plate, demanding that he not relocate but should keep his liberal […]

Discussing Energy In The Caribbean

SL Advisors Talks Markets
SL Advisors Talks Markets
Discussing Energy In The Caribbean



I spent a few days last week at the Catalyst Funds National Sales Conference in Puerto Rico. Catalyst is our mutual fund partner. It is about ten degrees warmer than Naples, FL where we’ve spent most of the winter, and the conference was once again thoughtfully located at the Royal Sonesta Hotel on the beach […]

Natural Gas Is The Future Fuel

SL Advisors Talks Markets
SL Advisors Talks Markets
Natural Gas Is The Future Fuel



On Monday the market dipped back below its pre-election level. The proximate cause was Trump’s ambiguous response when asked if there will be a recession. He has warned that the tariffs will likely cause “a little disturbance.” To this observer, the problem is more the rapid unpredictability with which new import taxes are announced and […]

Midstream Is About Volumes

SL Advisors Talks Markets
SL Advisors Talks Markets
Midstream Is About Volumes



Midstream companies are generally unaffected by the current round of daily tariff updates. Their stock prices may gyrate with the rest of the market, but nobody is revising guidance. It’s worth remembering that these are toll businesses, focused on volumes not commodity prices. Consumption of petroleum products is remarkably stable. It’s been between 20 and […]

Why The Navy Can’t Help With Nuclear

SL Advisors Talks Markets
SL Advisors Talks Markets
Why The Navy Can’t Help With Nuclear



Last week I gave a lunchtime presentation to a local investment club organized by Elliot Miller, a friend and long-time investor in midstream energy. Afterwards one of the participants came up to me and, disclosing that he used to work as a nuclear physicist, asked me what I thought of the prospects for Small Modular […]

What Energy Transition?

SL Advisors Talks Markets
SL Advisors Talks Markets
What Energy Transition?



Daniel Yergin is right to call it the Energy Addition. In an essay in Foreign Affairs called The Troubled Energy Transition, he notes that since 1990 hydrocarbons have dropped from 85% of primary energy to around 80% today. That can hardly be called a transition. Since 2000 global energy consumption has increased from 397 Exajoules […]

The Receding Energy Crisis

SL Advisors Talks Markets
SL Advisors Talks Markets
The Receding Energy Crisis



Suppose for a moment that the Sierra Club was a political party, with candidates running and elected officials in government. They might look like Germany’s Green Party, which has drawn support from idealistic German voters since the 1980s. They are politically left, view everything through the narrow prism of environmentalism and have a history of […]

Is Capex Back?

SL Advisors Talks Markets
SL Advisors Talks Markets
Is Capex Back?



It seems a lifetime ago, but in the latter stages of the capital bust that was the shale revolution, capex plans were often poorly received. In late 2018 Targa Resources (TRGP) drew the ire of investors when then-CEO Joe Bob Perkins dismissed criticism by calling their spending plans “capital blessings” (see 4Q18 Energy Infrastructure Earnings […]
