Entries by Simon Lack

AMLP Trips Up On Tax Complexity

SL Advisors Talks Markets
SL Advisors Talks Markets
AMLP Trips Up On Tax Complexity



We all know the US tax code is complicated. ALPS Advisors, manager of the Alerian MLP ETF (AMLP), has been tripped up by the tax complexities inherent in their fund structure. As a result they’ve been forced to make an embarrassing NAV adjustment to AMLP for taxes, depressing the fund’s NAV by almost 4%. It […]

Pipeline Stocks Defy Retail Fund Selling

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SL Advisors Talks Markets
Pipeline Stocks Defy Retail Fund Selling



Midstream is up 27% for the year as of Tuesday, but investors are showing no irrational exuberance. The North American pipeline sector retains its MLP moniker because MLPs used to be the dominant business structure. Even though it’s now two thirds corporations, the ‘40 Act funds who specialize in the sector are still called MLP […]

Some Energy Forecasts Are Aspirational

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SL Advisors Talks Markets
Some Energy Forecasts Are Aspirational



Long term energy forecasts are nowadays subject to a partisan test by many readers based on whether or not they project a rapid energy transition. The biggest oil and gas producers such as Exxon Mobil and Shell understand that the media interprets their published long run energy forecasts as reflecting their capex criteria. The result […]

COP27 Realism Is Good For Gas

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SL Advisors Talks Markets
COP27 Realism Is Good For Gas



The COP27 ended with an agreement by rich countries to make increased payments to poor ones, but a commitment to phase out all fossil fuels failed to gather unanimous support. The holdouts included Saudi Arabia and Russia, who supply substantial volumes of oil and gas to willing buyers but don’t rank highly on the list […]

Why Aren’t Renewables Stocks Soaring?

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SL Advisors Talks Markets
Why Aren’t Renewables Stocks Soaring?



2022 should have been a great year for renewables. The prices of fossil fuels, which they are supposed to replace, have jumped. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has heightened the importance of energy security, which solar panels and windmills offer because most countries can find places to build them. And global Green House Gas emissions (GHGs) […]

Of Red Crypto And Black Pipelines

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SL Advisors Talks Markets
Of Red Crypto And Black Pipelines



Bitcoin could be poised for another ascent. Bulls will be encouraged that Jim Cramer advised holders to sell following the collapse of FTX. Few readers would have been surprised when this blog first expressed crypto-skepticism in December 2017. Its return since then is 1.7% pa, substantially behind the market and, naturally, midstream energy infrastructure. But […]

Energy Pragmatism Is Beating Extremism

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SL Advisors Talks Markets
Energy Pragmatism Is Beating Extremism



As the world’s leaders meet in Egypt at the COP27 climate change conference, there are reasons for optimism among those who yearn for a pragmatic approach to reducing global Green House Gas emissions (GHGs). The Economist magazine front covers over the past couple of years provide an evolving perspective from one publication that likes to […]

Pipeline Earnings Continue Positive Trend

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SL Advisors Talks Markets
Pipeline Earnings Continue Positive Trend



Recent 3Q22 earnings reports for pipeline companies have been confirming the predictable nature of their business models. Dividend hikes have been common. Growth capex generally remains cautious. Cheniere’s $2.8BN in EBITDA was close to consensus, and they reaffirmed their full year 2022 guidance of $11.25BN having revised it higher three times this year. They paid […]

Wage Rises Complicate The Inflation Outlook

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SL Advisors Talks Markets
Wage Rises Complicate The Inflation Outlook



Fed chair Jay Powell and the American worker do not have an alignment of interests. In his remarks, following another 0.75% rate hike, Powell said the FOMC is, “acutely aware that high inflation imposes significant hardship as it erodes purchasing power, especially for those least able to meet the higher costs of essentials like food, […]

Massachusetts Needs More Windmills

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SL Advisors Talks Markets
Massachusetts Needs More Windmills



New England’s largest utility, Eversource, is worried about a looming shortage of natural gas. CEO Joseph Nolan has publicly asked the White House to make plans for emergency supplies in the event of a severe cold spell this winter. North America has abundant supplies and export volumes will grow. Europe is gearing up to increase […]
