America leads the world in oil and gas production. We believe midstream energy infrastructure offers predictable cash flows to investors..

Inflation’s Upside Risk

If you weren’t able to join Thursday’s webinar, SL Advisors Midstream Energy and Inflation Outlook, you can watch a recording here. The media referred to the Fed’s “hawkish pivot” following Wednesday’s revised dot plot and faster taper. More accurate is that chair Jay Powell confirmed that the FOMC was following the market’s earlier revisions to […]

The Fed’s Biggest Mistake In History

Sign up here for this Thursday’s webinar at 12 eastern. SL Advisors’ Midstream Energy and Inflation Update. Allianz SE’s Mohamed El-Erian recently said the, “Transitory Inflation Call Likely Fed’s Worst Ever.” There is some competition for that title. Just in my career (1980-) you’d have to include Alan Greenspan’s summer 1987 tightening which was soon […]

The Continued Sorry Math Of Bonds

Sign up here for this Thursday’s webinar at 12 eastern. SL Advisors’ Midstream Energy and Inflation Update Last week an investor asked us what he should do with his bond portfolio. We began publishing a monthly newsletter in January 2010 and over the years it evolved to the now twice-weekly blog. The poor outlook for […]

Betting On Gas With LNG

In March we wrote about start-up Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) exporter, NextDecade (NEXT) (see Making LNG Cleaner). As with Tellurian (TELL) and Cheniere (LNG) before them, NEXT needs to sign up buyers of its LNG before obtaining the financing to complete the liquefaction infrastructure. The rolling global energy crisis which has seen European and Asian […]

The Market’s Sanguine Inflation Outlook

Last week Fed chair Jay Powell pivoted away from “transitory”, and adopted a tone more in keeping with the market’s newly revised interest rate forecast. As a result, today’s yield curve is far away from the September FOMC projections, even though they’ll be revised at this month’s meeting. The most important question for bond investors […]