Entries by Simon Lack

Pipeline Earnings Should Be Good

SL Advisors Talks Markets
SL Advisors Talks Markets
Pipeline Earnings Should Be Good



Earnings season for the pipeline sector kicks off Wednesday 20th with Kinder Morgan. Crude oil prices have slid over the past several weeks, reflecting increased fears of recession and China’s ongoing efforts to eliminate Covid through regional lockdowns. Sharp moves in oil affect energy sentiment and the consequent drop in midstream energy infrastructure reflects these […]

Hoping Russia Will Send More Gas

SL Advisors Talks Markets
SL Advisors Talks Markets
Hoping Russia Will Send More Gas



On Monday Nord Stream 1 was shut down for annual maintenance, cutting off the remaining Russian natural gas exports to Germany. Europe’s biggest economy continues to provide lessons to the rest of us on what a flawed energy strategy looks like. German industry anxiously waits to see whether some contrived additional repairs will extend the […]

These Are The Good Old Days

SL Advisors Talks Markets
SL Advisors Talks Markets
These Are The Good Old Days



It’s an odd recession when the economy adds 372K jobs and the unemployment rate stays at 3.6%. We seem to be talking ourselves into one. Consumer expectations are the lowest in almost a decade. High prices for energy and food are the culprit. Few are seeing their incomes keep pace with 8% inflation, so real […]

Germany Pays Dearly For Failed Energy Policy

SL Advisors Talks Markets
SL Advisors Talks Markets
Germany Pays Dearly For Failed Energy Policy



US drivers may complain about the cost of filling up, but the epicenter of the energy crisis is Germany. The world’s third biggest exporter (behind China and the US) reported a monthly trade deficit for the first time in over thirty years. Higher energy prices hit in two ways – Germany is spending much more […]

Celebrating America

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SL Advisors Talks Markets
Celebrating America



May 17 represented a memorable anniversary for me as it marked 40 years since I first moved to the US. Another Brit leaving the old world for the new. I arrived on an evening flight from Toronto where I’d spent a week with family. It was my first time in NY and such was the […]

Liberal Energy Policies Remain Good For Investors

SL Advisors Talks Markets
SL Advisors Talks Markets
Liberal Energy Policies Remain Good For Investors



The energy transition’s long overdue reassessment was already under way by the time Russian missiles began falling on Ukraine. Fear of stranded assets has been replaced by the sudden need for energy security. At a recent JPMorgan energy conference, CEO Jamie Dimon repeated his call for a new “Marshall Plan” to ensure energy security for […]

The Fed Can’t Afford Two Mistakes

SL Advisors Talks Markets
SL Advisors Talks Markets
The Fed Can’t Afford Two Mistakes



Amid the more hawkish Fed and consequent sharp drop in the market, the jump in real yields has not drawn much attention. The rise in ten year yields came with inflation expectations remaining well anchored at around 2.75%. TIPs yields rose with nominal ones. Factset earnings expectations don’t yet reflect the pessimism of public company […]

Texans Don’t Complain About Gas Prices

SL Advisors Talks Markets
SL Advisors Talks Markets
Texans Don’t Complain About Gas Prices



People may disagree on whether this Fed is hawkish or not, but reactionary is not a controversial adjective. They first demonstrated this in waiting eighteen months after the Covid vaccine and fifteen months after the last $1.9TN slug of fiscal uber-stimulus to roll back their monetary accommodation. Quantitative Easing (QE) is more aptly followed by […]

Hydrocarbons Support The Four Pillars Of Civilization

SL Advisors Talks Markets
SL Advisors Talks Markets
Hydrocarbons Support The Four Pillars Of Civilization



Vaclav Smil is a polymath whose prolific writing on energy has produced his latest book, How the World Really Works. You read Smil slowly, taking time to digest the facts and conclusions that are his trade. He combines expertise across several disciplines to explain the technology and inputs supporting modern western lifestyles. In Fossil Future, […]

Energy Realism Is Spreading

SL Advisors Talks Markets
SL Advisors Talks Markets
Energy Realism Is Spreading



There were three stories last week that can best be characterized as providing energy realism. The fire at Freeport’s LNG facility sent US natural gas prices skidding, with the loss of 2 Billion Cubic Feet per Day (BCF/D) of export capacity. Freeport warned it’ll be at least three weeks before operations can resume – meaning […]
