America leads the world in oil and gas production. We believe midstream energy infrastructure offers predictable cash flows to investors..

Bond Investors Are Right To Worry

“At this point, the Federal Open Market Committee is seeking inflation running moderately above 2% for some time.” Fed chair Jay Powell, Senate testimony February 23. The Fed is walking a fine line, and it’s easy to take this comment out of context. Inflation can be too low, and in order to ensure they adhere […]

The Biden Put

Inflation fears are percolating. The iShares iBoxx $ Investment Grade Corporate Bond ETF (LQD) had its biggest ever stretch of outflows over the past six weeks. There are plenty of warnings signs. Commodity prices are booming. This is happily driving up midstream energy infrastructure, with the American Energy Independence Index up 15% YTD, well ahead […]

Not Just Another Billionaire With A Plan

Bill Gates readily concedes that the world isn’t short of “rich men with big ideas” in How To Avoid A Climate Disaster. He brings an intellectual honesty to the climate change debate that is absent from Democrat policy prescriptions, and often ignored by Republicans. Gates has done his homework, producing a book spilling over with […]

Why Texas Lost Power

Debate continues over the cause of the extended power cuts in Texas last week. Predictably, party affiliation colors views. Republican Governor Greg Abbott said, ““the Green New Deal would be a deadly deal for the United States of America.” Two former Energy Secretaries, Rick Perry and Dan Brouillette blamed frozen wind turbines, and over-investment in […]

Lone Star State Loses Power

Bill Gates, in an interview two years ago, asked how Tokyo would cope with a typhoon if it was fully powered by renewable energy. Compensating for the loss of solar and wind for two to three days would require enormous battery back-up that would sit mostly idle, other than once every few years. He noted […]