America leads the world in oil and gas production. We believe midstream energy infrastructure offers predictable cash flows to investors..

Energy Investors Unfazed By US Selling Oil

SL Advisors Talks Markets
SL Advisors Talks Markets
Energy Investors Unfazed By US Selling Oil

The Administration’s planned release of 1 million barrels of oil a day from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) is borne of their frustration with high prices. Average crude prices have been higher under Biden than Trump, even after adjusting for the collapse during Covid (not Trump’s fault) and the jump following Russia’s invasion (not Biden’s […]

US Natural Gas Takes Center Stage

SL Advisors Talks Energy
SL Advisors Talks Energy
US Natural Gas Takes Center Stage

Europe’s realization that it needs a strategy to ensure energy security has provided a further boost to US natural gas stocks. Last week was especially good – NextDecade (NEXT) added another customer for their proposed Rio Grande Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) export facility. By coincidence we had just interviewed Matthew Mott, SVP of their Next […]

Markets Lose Faith In 2% Inflation

In mid-January in Why You Shouldn’t Expect A Return To 2% Inflation we explained some of the persistent upward pressures on inflation. Since then ten year inflation expectations derived from the treasury bond market have increased by 0.5%. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is a big factor, but nonetheless a half point increase over the next […]

NextDecade Sees A Bright Future

Most US energy investors are familiar with Cheniere, America’s leading exporter of Liquified Natural Gas (LNG). Founded in 1996, the company was originally dedicated to increasing domestic supply, first as an oil & gas exploration business and then as an LNG importing company, which looked unlikely to keep up with growing demand. The Shale Revolution […]

Interest Rates Are Interesting Again

It must have been a lively FOMC meeting last week. The Fed has obviously committed their biggest mistake in living memory, and they finally started to normalize short term rates. They’re a year late, to the evident frustration of James Bullard who dissented on the 0.25% increase because he preferred 0.50%. The FOMC revised up […]