America leads the world in oil and gas production. We believe midstream energy infrastructure offers predictable cash flows to investors..

Leaderless Britain Stumbles Towards Brexit

Although it’s 36 years since I last lived in England, I retain a deep affection for the country where I grew up, as well as my English accent (so say my American friends, anyway). I’m often asked my opinion of Brexit – I have British friends on both sides of the Leave/Remain divide. While I […]

Environmental Activists Raise Values on Existing Pipelines

Canada’s struggles to get its crude oil to market have been a source of immense frustration if you’re an Albertan oil producer, or a huge success if you’re an anti-fossil fuels activist. Last week, Alberta’s premier Rachel Notley imposed almost a 9% cut in production in order to raise prices. Shortage of available infrastructure had […]

Steel Tariffs Show Up in Surprising Places

The G20 meeting on the weekend produced a mildly surprising rapprochement between the U.S. and China on trade. Most commentators regard the Administration’s serial imposition of tariffs negatively. Stocks certainly liked the possibility of a lower temperature around this rhetoric. In spite of the U.S.’s many trade disputes, the economy shows little sign of suffering. […]

MLPs Lose That Christmas Spirit

Around this time of the year we typically write about MLP seasonals. That’s because the “January effect” has been an enduring pattern of investor activity, far more pronounced than in the broader equity market. Prices would reliably dip in November before firming in December and shooting higher in January. This was due to the combination […]

Lower Volatility Stocks Gain Favor

Low volatility is outperforming. In a rising market, taking more risk usually pays off. The recent reversal has investors seeking tangible value. Nothing exemplifies intangible value, or more accurately ephemeral value, better than Bitcoin. The great Risk On trade began the day of Trump’s election victory, when an overnight market swoon quickly reversed. Bitcoin buyers […]