Episode 3: Natural Gas | The Big Energy Story

Although much of the press coverage focuses on solar and wind, the big story in energy is the growth in natural gas. In this podcast, Simon Lack reviews how natural gas growth is far more important than renewables.
Show Notes:
New natgas hookups in Westchester County are prohibited (1:00)
Will constrained natgas hookups hurt demand (1:07)
Energy is undergoing a transformation (1:12)
Renewables receive all the press (1:15)
Solar and wind prices are falling (1:17)
Nextera Energy analyst day (1:20)
Berkeley, CA won’t allow new buildings to use natgas (1:44)
In 2018 natgas was 43% of growth in world energy use, vs 18% renewables (1:57)
U.S. natgas share rose almost 2% to 31%; renewables rose from 3.9% to 4.2% (2:08)
China burns half the world’s coal (2:41)
Political issue. Killing citizens, causing respiratory problems (2:44)
China wants to reach 15% natgas share by 2030, vs 7.5% today (3:01)
With China’s growth of 4.3% they needs to more than triple natgas consumption (3:15)
They need almost ¾ of today’s U.S. consumption (3:30)
They need a U.S. Shale Revolution (3:37)
But Chinese forecasts of shale output keep being revised down (3:51)
Russian exports from eastern Siberia will help (4:00)
Two seasonal peaks, China has too little storage (4:06)
But volumes not able to vary (4:31)
Chinese LNG imports will increase, likely to grow 2-4X, maybe more based on 5 year plan (4:57)
Liberal media focus on renewables (5:44)
Natgas is the real transformation in energy (5:58)
Links to Additional Information:
SL Advisors Blog Post https://sl-advisors.com/natural-gas-the-big-energy-story
Next Era Energy Investor Day https://sl-advisors.com/is-nextera-running-in-place
BP Statistical Review of World Energy https://www.bp.com/en/global/corporate/energy-economics/statistical-review-of-world-energy.html
Columbia|SIPA A Natural Gas Giant Awakens: China’s Quest for Blue Skies Shapes Global Markets
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