America leads the world in oil and gas production. We believe midstream energy infrastructure offers predictable cash flows to investors.
Jay Powell’s Victory Lap

Criticizing the Fed is a self-indulgence afforded the rest of us unburdened with the need to actually set monetary policy. The FOMC usually provides a target-rich environment. The last couple of years have offered a sumptuous feast of mis-steps. Start with synchronization of accommodative monetary policy with Biden’s uber-stimulus following his inauguration in early 2021. […]
Oneok-Magellan Outcome Too Close To Call

The market currently assigns barely 50/50 odds of the Oneok-Magellan (OKE-MMP) merger receiving shareholder approval from both companies. When the deal was announced in May approval was judged to be highly likely, but it soon receded as analysts offered only lukewarm approval. We offered our view (see Oneok Does A Deal Nobody Needs) within a […]
LNG Growth Faces Few Headwinds

Exxon Mobil (XOM) is not typically associated with Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) but they are planning to double the volumes they handle by 2030, to 40 million tonnes pa. This would be equivalent to around 5.3 Billion Cubic Feet per Day (BCF/D). The US currently exports around 12 BCF/D although that will grow as new […]
Life Is Better After Greta

Life after Climate Change: Better than you think by Bjorn Lomberg was recently published in the National Review. Lomberg has published several books arguing that climate change isn’t the existential disaster often portrayed in the media. His most recent is False Alarm: How Climate Change Panic Costs Us Trillions, Hurts the Poor, and Fails to […]
Environmentalists Opposed To Windpower

Climate extremists have a well deserved reputation for a simplistic approach to solving the complex problem of curbing CO2 emissions without impoverishing us all. However, poorly informed objectives doesn’t mean they have a co-ordinated approach. The growth in solar and wind power is setting environmental extremists against one another. Take New Jersey, a state whose […]