America leads the world in oil and gas production. We believe midstream energy infrastructure offers predictable cash flows to investors..

America’s Favorite Energy

SL Advisors Talks Markets
SL Advisors Talks Markets
America’s Favorite Energy

When it comes to energy, the media has a decided liberal bias. With a few exceptions, journalists covering this sector breathlessly highlight the phenomenal growth of renewables and criticize those evil fossil fuel companies who supply 82% of the world’s primary energy. The solar/wind juggernaut is barreling along and if you don’t jump on you’ll […]

Using More Of Every Energy Type

SL Advisors Talks Markets
SL Advisors Talks Markets
Using More Of Every Energy Type

On Monday the Energy Institute (EI) published the 72nd edition of the Statistical Review of World Energy. BP handed off this responsibility last year. They probably felt that saying anything about energy consumption would inflame climate extremists without commensurate benefit. The EI launched the publication with a webinar, which predictably was both upbeat on renewables […]

Infrastructure As An Inflation Hedge

SL Advisors Talks Markets
SL Advisors Talks Markets
Infrastructure As An Inflation Hedge

We’re getting used to 4-5% inflation. Using the Fed’s preferred measure, core Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE), it’s been above 3% since April 2021. People are quietly mentioning the unmentionable – what if the Fed raises its inflation target?  The Economist recently published a briefing warning that “failure to quell it quickly will transform financial markets”. […]

Stocks Aren’t Cheap

SL Advisors Talks Markets
SL Advisors Talks Markets
Stocks Aren’t Cheap

The Equity Risk Premium (ERP) is a measure of the relative attractiveness of stocks versus bonds. It compares the earnings yield on stocks with the interest rate on ten year treasury notes. For much of the past decade it’s shown stocks to be relatively attractive compared to the average relationship going back to 1962 – […]

Insider Sellers Get Suckered

SL Advisors Talks Markets
SL Advisors Talks Markets
Insider Sellers Get Suckered

Insider trading hasn’t been eliminated, in spite of the SEC’s efforts. In March Terren S Peizer, CEO of Ontrak Inc, was indicted for selling stock in his company when he knew they were losing a key client. He did the trades using Rule 10b5-1 which governs when senior executives can dispose of shares. Last week […]