America leads the world in oil and gas production. We believe midstream energy infrastructure offers predictable cash flows to investors.
Natural Gas Demand Keeps Growing

The White House pause on LNG permits has impacted negotiations. Poten and Partners, a research firm, estimates that Sale Purchase Agreement (SPA) volumes are –15% in 1H24 versus a year ago. It’s hard to get buyers to commit to buying LNG from a new export terminal without certainty about when it’ll be constructed. Fortunately, last […]
We Need Much Cheaper EVs

93% of car trips are less than 25 miles, according to data from the Bureau of Transportation Statistics. The problem with EVs in America is with the other 7%. That’s where the range anxiety and charging infrastructure become an issue. According to a recent survey from McKinsey, the US has among the least satisfied […]
Happy Independence Day!

This is the time of year when friends ask me if I’ll be celebrating July 4th, in a wry dig at the losing side of that war. As a transplanted Brit I have more to celebrate than most – I point out that had the War of Independence turned out differently, emigrating to the US […]
POTUS Should Have Called in Sick

For those wondering how the election will affect the energy sector, Thursday’s presidential debate offered some clarification but also added some uncertainty. Following Biden’s stuttering performance, he’s a poor bet to return to the White House after November. It must be more likely than not that his party will find a way to dump him […]
Monetary Policy Is Increasing The Deficit

Last week the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released their latest ten year budget projection. It invariably makes for depressing, if unsurprising reading. Significant deterioration in our fiscal outlook is visible with every release. For example, in February we noted that one particular milestone, the year in which interest on the Federal debt exceeds $1TN, keeps […]