Entries by Simon Lack

The Power of the MLP GP

Kinder Morgan Partners (KMP) announced a secondary offering of 6.9 million shares last night at $78.32, raising $540 million. KMP is predictably weaker this morning as is usually the case when an MLP sells stock unexpectedly. For Kinder Morgan Inc., (KMI), the math is somewhat different. KMI owns the General Partner (GP) of KMP, and […]

Kinder Morgan's Analyst Day, Part 2

The meeting concluded with a financial review and Q&A. Overall the impression is one of numerous projects to grow and add to their energy infrastructure assets. Many seemingly attractive opportunities are available.  The shadow of Kevin Kaiser, the HedgeEye analyst who criticized their accounting last year, was present even though Kaiser himself did not ask […]

Why DirecTV Is Redirecting The Weather Channel

An obscure dispute between DirecTV and The Weather Channel (TWC) highlights the shifting landscape of the economics behind what you see on TV. DirecTV dropped TWC  from its line-up because they wanted to reduce the current 13 cents per subscriber per month that they pay to carry the service; TWC wanted an increase to 14 […]

The Freedom to Write Without Having to be Right

This morning I perused the front page of the Financial Times the old-fashioned way (i.e. by physically holding the newspaper in my hands rather than visiting the website) over breakfast in a NY hotel following a client dinner last night. I was struck by the juxtaposition of two articles. One was: ” ‘Fragile Five’ Fall […]

Why Flying is Getting More Expensive

I was struck today by an article in the New York Times (“On Jammed Jets, Sardines Turn on One Another”). As airlines pack more people onto planes, the flying experience (as least in Economy Class) becomes ever worse. This was hardly news to anyone who has flown domestically in the U.S. in recent years. Airlines […]
