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America leads the world in oil and gas production. We believe midstream energy infrastructure offers predictable cash flows to investors..

#top #wrap_all .avia-button.av-4wqy6e-72d462ef92bff37cc741de093ee99458{ margin-bottom:20px; margin-right:10px; margin-left:10px; } Energy Infrastructure ETF #top #wrap_all .avia-button.av-16vc24j-61a7b9ff24088444f2b47c6121d221c0{ margin-bottom:20px; margin-right:10px; margin-left:10px; } Energy Infrastructure Mutual Fund #top #wrap_all .avia-button.av-24qzoj-872615ebbd3f6be4aee4d88ea0974e4a{ margin-bottom:20px; margin-right:10px; margin-left:10px; } Real Asset Mutual Fund

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Taking The Politics Out Of Covid-19

Covid-19 is probably the biggest political issue in America today. Liberals see a worsening situation in need of a slower return to normalcy requiring additional fiscal stimulus. Rising infections in Arizona, Texas and Florida provide plenty of quantitative support for this view. Conservatives reject this argument, presenting their own set of data. The restrictions on […]

Still Spreading, But Less Deadly

Covid-19 cases are rising, especially in the south. Three weeks ago, my wife and I headed to South Carolina and beyond, where restrictions were limited and nobody we met knew anyone who had gotten sick (see Having a Better Pandemic in Charleston, SC). Masks were scarce, inside dining was permitted and it seemed like the […]

Energy Markets Are Adapting Quickly

Coronavirus approached us like a distant wave earlier this year. Initially it was remote and unthreatening, as we viewed developments far away in Asia. But it soon engulfed us, making our lives unrecognizable and crushing economic activity everywhere. As the first wave recedes, individuals and businesses are adapting to the new normal, while contemplating a […]

Oneok Hands New Buyers A Quick Profit

Last week Oneok (OKE) did a secondary offering of 26 million shares. It was priced at $32, and diluted existing shareholders by around 7%. Although a healthy discount from two years ago when they raised $1BN at $54.50, it was nonetheless encouraging that a pipeline company could raise equity. On March 18, when the sector […]

Review of Vaclav Smil Natural Gas- Part 2

On Sunday we reviewed Vaclav Smil’s Natural Gas: Fuel for the 21st Century. Smil writes about how the world uses energy, well supported by useful facts and figures. Our original review was a brief summary of the book. Below, we highlight some of the fascinating proof statements Smil includes in his book. For example – […]