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America leads the world in oil and gas production. We believe midstream energy infrastructure offers predictable cash flows to investors..

#top #wrap_all .avia-button.av-4wqy6e-72d462ef92bff37cc741de093ee99458{ margin-bottom:20px; margin-right:10px; margin-left:10px; } Energy Infrastructure ETF #top #wrap_all .avia-button.av-16vc24j-61a7b9ff24088444f2b47c6121d221c0{ margin-bottom:20px; margin-right:10px; margin-left:10px; } Energy Infrastructure Mutual Fund #top #wrap_all .avia-button.av-24qzoj-872615ebbd3f6be4aee4d88ea0974e4a{ margin-bottom:20px; margin-right:10px; margin-left:10px; } Real Asset Mutual Fund

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The Biggest Pipeline Companies Are Doing Well

Last week Enbridge (ENB) and Enterprise Products (EPD), North America’s two biggest pipeline companies, were among those reporting earnings. Both beat expectations – ENB reported 2Q EBITDA of $3,312MM versus $3,155MM, helped by strong results in natural gas transmission. EPD came in at $1,961MM versus $1,877MM, boosted by strength in crude oil. Dividend yields of […]

Lower Spending Cheers Pipeline Investors

In February, following our criticism of Kinder Morgan’s (KMI) return on invested capital (see Kinder Morgan’s Slick Numeracy) the company, to their credit, reached out to us so as to better present their perspective. Our point was that capital allocation decisions in recent years had not always been accretive to equity. We offered the company […]

Pipelines Are Becoming Less Risky

Before the Shale Revolution, midstream energy infrastructure was a boringly stable sector. MLPs, which predominated versus corporations back then, paid out most of the cash they generated and grew distributions through price escalators and improved operating efficiencies. Volatility was low, and attractive yields drew income-seeking investors. This happy marriage started to fall apart in 2015, […]

Pipeline Earnings Should Confirm Growing Cash Flows

Earnings season for pipeline stocks begins on Wednesday 22nd, with Kinder Morgan (KMI) reporting after the market close. We expect the quarterly updates from the sector’s biggest companies will confirm the progress towards improved profitability (see Pipeline Cash Flows Will Still Double This Year). We’ll also hear from management teams how they regard the prospects for […]

Covid By The Numbers

The recent news on Covid-19 has been mostly bad. Infections are increasing sharply in sunbelt states, where Florida now holds the record for two worst days’ new infections – 15,300 and 13,965, both reached last week. Reopening plans are being halted. Even the Republican convention scheduled for late August, which was moved from Charlotte, NC […]