America leads the world in oil and gas production. We believe midstream energy infrastructure offers predictable cash flows to investors..

Valuing Berkshire Hathaway

If you’re into this kind of thing, which is to say that examining financial statements is a source of stimulating mental gymnastics, figuring out the value of Berkshire Hathaway (BRK) could keep you entertained. BRK released their third quarter’s earnings over the weekend. It’s an insurance company transforming itself into an operating business as Whitney […]

The End of Interest Rate Risk

Larry Hirshik is both a good friend of mine and our talented trader at SL Advisors. We’ve been friends for over 25 years. Larry and I both spent many years trading interest rate derivatives – eurodollar futures, interest rate swaps and government securities. Interest rate risk has been a topic that consumed much of our […]

Among the Hedge Fund Faithful at the AR Symposium in New York

I spent an interesting morning yesterday at the AR Symposium, a well-organized get together of hedge fund industry professionals. I had been asked to chair a panel titled “What do investors want and how do they want it”. A year ago I wrote an article pointing out that hedge fund investors in aggregate would have […]

Banks and Leverage

Another near death experience in equity markets avoided – at least for now. Kevin KAL Kallaugher’s cartoon in last month’s newsletter could scarcely have been better timed (if you missed it October’s letter is available on our website). Stepping back to examine levels of risk seems a reasonable place to start. There is perhaps no […]

Democracy Returns to Greece

What could be more appropriate than Greece delivering a lesson in democracy. The word itself is derived from the Greek language. Democracy began in Greece and is returning there. How very appropriate. The enduring weakness of the EU has been its management by technocrats with often scant regard for popular opinion. The beauty of a […]