America leads the world in oil and gas production. We believe midstream energy infrastructure offers predictable cash flows to investors..

Hedgeye's Third Time Lucky?

I’d never heard of Keith McCullough until today when we noticed that Kinder Morgan (KMI), a stock we own, was down 4%. MLPs are weak but KMI and its cousins KMP and KMR are certainly leading the way. The driver appears to be a bearish report on Kinder Morgan to be released to clients of […]

A Footnote on the September Newsletter

In writing this month’s letter (just published earlier today) I researched the source of the quote, “If you torture the data long enough, it will always confess.” It was attributed to Ronald Coase, listed on Wikipedia as “Born 1911”. Because his dates did not include an end date for his life, it somewhat improbably suggested […]

Huffington Post Ends Anonymous Comments

In what will hopefully become the new normal for websites, the Huffington Post last week announced they would no longer be allowing anonymous comments on their website. This is a completely sensible move and one that will add civility (their main objective) as well as raise the quality of comments that are made. How is anyone […]

Japan's Debt Spiral

I was struck by an article today on how much Japan will spend next year servicing its debt. In its next fiscal year the Japanese Ministry of Finance (MOF) expects to spend ¥25.3 Trillion on interest. That’s about $260 Billion, or just over 4% of its GDP. By contrast, the U.S. spends just over 2% […]

Yellen vs Summers

In recent weeks much has been written and said about who President Obama should select as the next Fed Chairman. Supporters of Larry Summers and Janet Yellen are said to be each pressing the case for their candidate from behind the scenes. For a position that is supposed to float above politics, it is surprisingly political. So […]