America leads the world in oil and gas production. We believe midstream energy infrastructure offers predictable cash flows to investors.

The Energy Transfer-Williams Poker Game

The managements of Energy Transfer Equity (ETE) and Williams Companies (WMB) are engaged in a high stakes poker game. It’s an absorbing spectacle. Last May WMB announced plans to buy in its MLP Williams Partners (WPZ). As with Kinder Morgan, they felt their size as well as the drag from Incentive Distribution Rights (IDR) from […]

Searching for Good Odds

Last week I was in Las Vegas for 48 hours attending a conference. Dear reader, before you smile at this lame attempt to disguise play as work, you should know that I don’t gamble, drink only moderately and do not enjoy loud rock music. Therefore, the sight of yours truly staying at the Hard Rock […]

Up Is The New Black

Watching the Valeant (VRX) disaster unfold has, for those who are bystanders like us, resembled viewing an express train hurtling off an unfinished bridge into the ravine below, taking with it the reputations of some highly regarded investors. You’ll find no criticism here – professional humility has always been part of our DNA but if […]

Are You in the Wrong MLP Fund?

For those who follow MLPs closely, one of the enduring mysteries must be the mindset of investors in the Alerian MLP ETF (AMLP). Investors who desire MLP exposure but don’t want K-1s have been attracted to AMLP and a whole host of other inefficient ETFs and mutual funds. As we’ve written before (see, for example, […]

Insiders Are Reinvesting Back into MLPs

It’ll be a while before Master Limited Partnerships (MLPs) will fairly be described as no longer in a bear market. So far the low point was on February 11th, at which point the Alerian Index was 58.2% below its all-time high of August 2014. The following day, SEC filings revealed institutional purchases by Berkshire Hathaway […]