America leads the world in oil and gas production. We believe midstream energy infrastructure offers predictable cash flows to investors..

With Options, Less Can Be More

This weekend the Striking Price column in Barron’s referred to the Options Industry Council’s educational series of videos. I have to say I have mixed feelings on the topic. On the positive side of course educating investors is a good thing. The videos currently available are extremely basic, offering definitions on terms such as “strike price” […]

CalPERS Has Enough of Hedge Funds

The California Public Employee Retirement System (CalPERS) recently announced they were closing down their $4.1 billion hedge fund program. I don’t know if they read The Hedge Fund Mirage. It might have saved them some time. The New York Times has an interesting perspective.

CalPERS Hedge Funds; No Fee Break Here

CalPERS’ $4 billion hedge fund portfolio will cause barely a ripple in the $2.5 trillion hedge fund industry as it’s redeemed over the next several quarters. Some speculate that their decision will cause other public pension funds to re-examine their commitment to hedge funds, although you’re unlikely to find a public pension trustee who will […]

The Economist's Superficial View of Hertz

The Economist is my favorite magazine. Since I joined the 21st century and started downloading it on my Samsung tablet, I can now read it on Thursday nights when it’s published instead of waiting for my physical copy to arrive by mail, on Saturday (if I’m lucky). The writing is invariably high quality and typically […]

What Type of Financial Advisor Advises You?

For individual investors seeking advice, the world they enter can be a confusing place. I’m thinking here of the different types of financial advisors that offer to help investors deploy their capital.  Non-finance people shouldn’t need to bother themselves with subtle elements of the investing regulatory landscape, but there are some things they’re better off […]