America leads the world in oil and gas production. We believe midstream energy infrastructure offers predictable cash flows to investors.

Wall Street Needs More Clients Like Tetra

Once again a corporate executive team has demonstrated childlike innocence when dealing with the hard-nosed providers of equity capital. Tetra Technologies (TTI) is the latest firm to combine a good business with a clueless approach to funding it. TTI supports the oil and gas industry, providing a wide array of products and services including fluids, […]

Give Your Loved One an MLP This Holiday Season

This is the time of year when thoughts turn to family and the holidays, but as you plan your celebrations keep in mind that MLPs care about the seasons too. In fact, MLP returns exhibit a marked pattern driven by the calendar and the idiosyncrasies of their investor base. The chart below shows the average […]

The Flexibility of MLPs

A couple of weeks ago we came across a research note from Wells Fargo titled “Do MLPs Still Make Sense?” Their conclusion was a qualified “Yes”, although it’s not wise to be highly negative when you have a thriving business underwriting their equity offerings. Last year’s collapse in the sector provoked the question. In our […]

The Hedge Fund Mirage Turns Five

Five years ago this month John Wiley published my first book.  The Hedge Fund Mirage; The Illusion of Big Money and Why It’s Too Good to Be True explained how hedge funds have in aggregate been a great business and a lousy investment. The opening sentence asserted that treasury bills would have been a better […]

Energy Transfer Shows Who's the Boss

Ten days ago, investors in Energy Transfer Partners (ETP) were content with a high distribution yield of 11%, albeit with little growth and (if they were honest with themselves) some risk of a cut in the future. Investors in Sunoco Logistics (SXL) had similarly come to terms with a 7.6% yield bolstered by the prospect […]