Canada’s Failing Energy Strategy

On July 6, 2013, 47 residents of Lac-Megantic, Quebec died horribly when a 74-car freight train carrying crude oil exploded in a fireball. It was the deadliest freight-train accident in Canadian history. Five bodies were never recovered and were assumed to have simply vaporized. DNA samples were required to identify others. Heat from the inferno was felt over a mile away.

In spite of this tragedy, moving crude by rail (CBR) is comparatively safe. Since 2013, safety standards have been tightened throughout North America. The International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE) found the incidence of spills with CBR to be less than for pipelines. However, this is a deceptive statistic. Once you adjust for the greater volumes of crude moved by pipeline versus CBR, as well as the greater distances covered, pipelines remain substantially safer. The report concludes that, “the risk associated with shipping crude oil is noticeably larger for rail deliveries than for pipeline deliveries.”

2,500 miles west, off the coast of Vancouver, live around 75 endangered killer whales. Their connection with Lac-Megantic is not obvious. Fortunately for the Orcas, vocal advocates have successfully made their continued survival more important than avoiding another freight train tragedy. By blocking the Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion, they have ensured that more Albertan crude oil will reach its buyers by rail, given continued inadequate pipeline capacity.

The Trans Mountain Pipeline (TMX) was put into service in 1953, and has been in continuous operation ever since. It’s another example of the long life of installed energy infrastructure, which generally appreciates in value when properly maintained even while accounting rules allow for its depreciation. Kinder Morgan (KMI), which acquired the pipeline in 2005, had been frustrated in its efforts to more than double the capacity of TMX by adding a second pipeline alongside the first. The TMX Expansion’s approval became a provincial political football. Land-locked Alberta has few choices in exporting its crude oil.

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British Columbia sought to prevent a new pipeline from Alberta reaching the Port of Vancouver. Oil that passes through on its way to export markets has little value to local residents, since British Columbia doesn’t need any more oil. Environmentalists worried about a spill, and regard Albertan oil-sands crude as exceptionally hostile to the environment (it’s true that an oil sands facility is not pretty). First Nations tribes claimed their water supplies were threatened, although of 133 indigenous groups consulted, 43 were in support. And the anticipated increase in tanker traffic at the port of Vancouver, from two to ten per week, risked displacing the dwindling community of killer whales.

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It was this last point that prompted the Federal Court of Appeal to overturn the government’s approval of the expansion in late August. Although the absence of a meaningful dialogue with First Nations representatives was cited, failure to consider the increased tanker traffic, “was so critical that the Governor in Council could not functionally make the kind of assessment of the project’s environmental effects and the public interest that the (environmental assessment) legislation requires,” said the ruling, written by Justice Eleanor Dawson. Canadian law provides wildlife with considerable protections.

In a deft move, KMI had by now extricated themselves from the vagaries of Canadian energy policy. For months, they had complained about the impossibility of building a pipeline linking two provinces holding opposite views on its completion. Finally, in May they unburdened themselves of the whole sorry mess and sold TMX to the Canadian Federal government for C$4.5BN, viewed by many as a pretty full price. KMI shareholders dodged a bullet.

A few weeks after agreeing the sale of TMX, KMI estimated in a filing that completion of the expansion would cost C$1-1.9BN more than originally expected and take a year longer. On August 30th, KMI shareholders formally approved the sale, hours after the Court of Appeal ruling. TMX was by now worth considerably less than the C$4.5BN paid — the bailout by Canadian taxpayers was complete.

Prospects for the TMX Expansion are uncertain, with a delay of two years or more seemingly inevitable. The Canadian government is considering an appeal, redoing its environmental review, and crafting legislation to force it through. Canada wants to complete the pipeline. Meanwhile, Alberta grumbles about contemplating separatism, and has in the past suggested that it might halt crude oil shipments to British Columbia altogether.

Canadian crude oil will continue to reach its buyers, although more of it will move by rail. The International Energy Agency expects CBR shipments to double over the next two years due to lack of pipeline capacity. Suncor, Canada’s largest oil and gas producer, won’t expand crude oil production until it sees progress on pipeline approvals. The persistent $25-35 per barrel discount of Western Canadian Sedimentary crude to the WTI benchmark is directly linked to limited transportation choices, and must be regarded as a huge success by Alberta’s neighbors in British Columbia. Since the U.S. is both its biggest energy customer and nowadays its biggest competitor, Canada’s position is unenviable.

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American readers will be relieved that such extreme dysfunction doesn’t exist in the U.S. Recall though, Boston’s annual winter imports of liquefied natural gas from Trinidad and Tobago to keep the lights on.  Pipeline opposition isn’t limited to our northern neighbor (see An Expensive, Greenish Strategy).

The investment takeaway is that opposition to new pipelines increases the value of those already installed. When shippers resort to rail to move crude oil, their bargaining position on pipeline tariffs is weak. Oil and gas companies suffer lower revenues, consumers higher prices, and railway lines benefit if demand is sustained long enough to justify their capex. But for pipeline companies, installed pipelines with decades of useful life can represent a scarce resource. If the possibility of excess pipeline capacity concerned markets during the 2014-16 energy sector collapse, we are now headed solidly in the other direction.

We are long KMI.

New York Times Forecasts the 2014-16 Energy Sector Collapse

One official says the shale industry may be “set up for failure.” “It is quite likely that many of these companies will go bankrupt,” a senior adviser to the Energy Information Administration administrator predicts.

This is from the New York Times. However, it wasn’t part of The Next Financial Crisis Lurks Underground, Bethany McLean’s recent article promoting her upcoming book. In 2011, the NY Times ran a series of articles by Ian Urbina that was critical of many aspects of the Shale Revolution, including the shaky finances underlying its companies. In the ensuing seven years, U.S. crude oil production has doubled and we’ve moved from planning imports of Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) to exporting it. Behind the Veneer, Doubt on Future of Natural Gas, Urbina’s June 2011 article predicting failure, was spectacularly wrong.

Hydraulic fracturing (‘fracking”) is how shale extraction of oil and gas has revolutionized America’s energy security. It has its opponents, whose worries include water contamination and earthquakes. We are environmentalists too – it is everyone’s environment. We like the reduced CO2 emissions made possible by natural gas substituting for coal-burning power plants (see Guess Who’s Most Effective at Combating Global Warming). Robust regulation is in everyone’s interests, so that the Shale Revolution’s benefits can continue to outweigh its costs. The NY Times has a long history of criticizing fracking.

Ms. McLean’s essay was appropriately in the Op-Ed section, which acknowledges that it’s not intended as a news article. Her previous book, The Smartest Guys in the Room, recounted the collapse of Enron and was published six years after Skilling and Co’s demise. Similarly, Ms. McLean is forecasting a crisis in the energy sector after it’s already occurred. From June 2014 to January 2016, the Energy SPDR ETF (XLE) dropped 44%. An over-leveraged industry was hit by falling crude oil, which plummeted from $110 per barrel to $26. Investors complained that cash was being excessively reinvested in new wells, leaving too little available to be returned to investors via dividends or share buybacks.

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Moreover, the energy sector endured its collapse pretty much alone. The rest of the U.S. economy shrugged. There was no recession, and the broader stock market averages meandered mostly sideways. During this period, Alerian’s MLP Index fell by 58.2%, more than during the 2008 financial crisis. It’s hard to imagine a more adverse scenario for America’s energy sector, and it suffered in isolation with no collateral damage. Bethany McLean may have missed all this; she might just as well breathlessly announce that the Philadelphia Eagles are about to win their first Super Bowl (note to non-U.S. readers – the Eagles did this in February).

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Since then, leverage has been falling, profitability rising and investors have been receiving more cash (see U.S. Oil Producers Continue To Chart Path to Long-Term Growth). Ms. McLean pays this little heed. She notes that, “By mid-2016 American oil production had declined by nearly a million barrels a day” although this relatively modest drop testifies to the resilience of the business, not its frailty. To assert that, “…the Federal Reserve is responsible for the fracking boom…” because of low interest rates sounds as if the Fed’s bond buying program included the debt issued by energy companies. Fed policies have increased risk appetites for equity of all kinds, increasing the competition for capital from non-energy sectors.

The energy sector is slowly recovering from its 2016 low, and the first question of potential investors is about a repeat of $26 oil. Free cash flow yields on the American Energy Independence Index are 9.5%, almost twice the S&P500 (see Reliable Yields Are the Best). This doesn’t look like a bubble.

The fast decline rate of shale wells that Ms. McLean criticizes are in fact a substantial risk mitigant. It’s how shale drillers earn back their invested capital more quickly, and is why the world’s biggest oil companies are substantially investing in North America (see The Short Cycle Advantage of Shale).

Because The Next Financial Crisis wasn’t published in 2015, it’s of little actionable use. However, the upcoming book from which it’s drawn (Saudi America; The Truth About Fracking and How It’s Changing the World) may well be interesting. It’ll probably be more useful as history than as a forecast.

Could Oil “Super-Spike” Above $150?

In July, Pierre Andurand’s hedge fund, Andurand Capital, lost 15% on bullish crude oil bets. Oil was weak in July, but is up 21% in 2018. Notwithstanding this correct outlook, his fund is -5% for the year. Few things are more frustrating for a manager or his clients than losing money on a profitable call.

Putting aside the challenges of hedge funds, which we have amply covered in years past (see The Hedge Fund Mirage; The Illusion of Big Money and Why It’s Too Good To Be True), a bullish outlook on crude enjoys solid fundamental support. Andurand once ran a hedge fund that profited mightily during the 2008 financial crisis, only to fold following large losses in 2011. More recently though, his calls on oil have been better than most (see Fund Chief Survives Oil’s Swings), including correctly forecasting the 2014-15 collapse. Few of his peers successfully navigated this period. Reportedly, Andurand sees a multi-year bull market that could eventually reach $300 a barrel. Bernstein Research, whose deep investment analysis is widely respected, has warned of a “super-spike” above $150 a barrel.

Both supply and demand for crude oil are relatively inelastic over periods of a few quarters or so. Global transportation relies heavily on refined petroleum products. Higher prices discourage some trips, but for the most part miles driven and flown don’t dip much with higher prices. Bringing on new supply typically takes several years. So over the short run, small shifts in demand or supply disproportionately move prices.

Global crude oil demand rose by 1.7MMB/D (Million Barrels per Day) last year and in 2016, up from the ten year average of 1.1MMB/D. Demand growth is driven by developing countries, especially China and India. But far more important to a balanced market is depletion of existing oilfields, something that receives little attention. Output from most plays peaks early in their operational life, when underground pressure is most effective at pushing oil to the surface. Thereafter, production steadily declines. Estimates vary, but most analysts agree that 3-5MMB/D is the global drop in annual production from existing plays, absent any new recovery-enhancing investments.

This year the Energy Information Administration (EIA) estimates that the world will consume 100 MMB/D, a record. In order to offset depletion plus demand growth, new supply of around 5-7MMB/D is required.

Following the oil price crash 2014-15, energy companies adopted greater financial discipline and planned for lower oil prices in the future. The combination of higher required returns and lower assumed prices has had a chilling effect on investment. The U.S. Shale Revolution is at least partly responsible. U.S. output barely dipped during the 2014-15 collapse.  Although low prices weren’t sustained for long, the episode caused subsequent projects to be evaluated against the possibility of a repeat. For example, in April BP’s chairman said they were, “still working with the assumption that this is going to be a world with an abundance of oil.”

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Major oil projects have always had risk to input costs and demand over the ensuing decade or longer. But today, those risks are even harder to quantify. It’s generally believed that oil demand will peak within a generation, yet growth in recent years has been as high as ever. Although Electric Vehicles (EVs) have many enthusiasts, sales growth of gasoline-chugging cars easily outpaces EVs in China, which is why crude demand keeps growing.

Improved financial discipline, wariness of a second Shale-induced price collapse and uncertainty around EV growth are three significant factors impeding investments in new supply. Taken together, these three factors have created greater risk aversion than the industry has shown in the past.

Consequently, capital invested in conventional projects remains low and projects are more modest. Companies are favoring “short-cycle”, whose smaller up-front investment consequently gets repaid more quickly with greater IRR certainty.

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However, there just aren’t enough short-cycle projects available, which is causing concern within the industry. Schlumberger CEO Paal Kibsgaard warned that, “It is, therefore, becoming increasingly likely that the industry will face growing supply challenges over the coming year and a significant increase in global exploration and production investment will be required to minimize the impending deficit.” Bernstein Research concurred, “Investors currently calling on exploration and production companies to return more cash to shareholders at the expense of funding future production may also come to regret their strategy.”

There are many examples of countries underinvesting in maintaining existing levels of production.

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Because less risky, short-cycle projects are mostly shale plays in the U.S., a stark difference in financing has opened up between America and Europe. EU bank financing for Exploration and Production, always far smaller than in the U.S., has collapsed in recent years.

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Although Saudi Arabia is believed capable of producing as much as 12.5 MMB/D for a few months, many observers feel this is unsustainable. U.S. shale is one of the few areas of growth. Permian output in west Texas is expected to average 3.3 MMB/D this year and 3.9MMB/D in 2019. Yet, infrastructure constraints recently caused the EIA to trim its outlook for U.S. 2019 production from 11.8MMB/D to 11.7 MMB/D, up 1 MMB/D versus this year. Concern that U.S. production could lead to another price drop is limiting new global investment – yet, the most optimistic forecasts of U.S. output show that significant additional new supply beyond US shale is going to be needed.

A determination to avoid past mistakes of unprofitable oversupply is likely to lead to the opposite; an undersupplied oil market. The question is, how high must crude go to satisfy the new profitability goals and other concerns of the integrated oil companies. Many fear that $100 a barrel will be insufficient – and the market is poorly positioned for any supply disruptions, perhaps caused by Iran or some other geopolitical shock. Another Shale-induced price collapse, falling demand due to EVs and new-found financial discipline represent long-term concerns inhibiting the search for new discoveries.

Oil needs to be high enough to compensate for all three risks. Since today’s prices aren’t high enough to stimulate enough new investment, oil should move higher. This will encourage conventional investment, but will also test the limits of the U.S Shale Revolution in growing output.  To bet on increasing oil and gas volumes in the U.S., invest in the network of infrastructure that moves these supplies to market.

The components of the American Energy Independence Index are growing dividends at 10% per annum.

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Could Oil “Super-Spike” Above $150?

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America’s midstream energy infrastructure, the pipelines that move U.S. energy supplies to market is crucial as we strive for American Energy Independence.

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Could Oil Super-Spike Above $150

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Guess Who’s Most Effective at Combating Global Warming

When it comes to limiting CO2 emissions, the results are not always what you’d expect.

Debates about climate change often draw zealots on both sides. The common accusatory opener, “Do you believe in global warming?” betrays the binary, almost religious argument between those who think we’re wrecking the planet and those who don’t. Pragmatism is rare on either side.

The science of climate change is complex, and we won’t attempt to assess man’s contribution to global warming. For a thought-provoking view of the issue, read Alex Epstein’s “The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels”. In one section, Epstein comments on U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry’s 2014 plea for Indonesia to cut carbon emissions to fight global warming. From 2006-16 Indonesia’s CO2 emissions grew by 3.1% annually, the Asian average. It’s no coincidence that in 2016 Indonesian life expectancy reached 69, up by 17 years over the previous half century.

As in much of the developing world, Indonesians are living longer. This is because increased energy use supports cleaner water and food, improved hygiene and better medical care, staples of developed country life. Because fossil-free energy is not yet price-competitive, its adoption implies using less energy. This in turn means shorter life expectancy for Indonesians and citizens of other developing countries. If the science around man-made climate change was unequivocal, it would imply acceptance of briefer lives today so that subsequent generations may live longer. But the science isn’t clear, and a warmer planet may be manageable. Moreover, climate prediction models have consistently overestimated actual warming. Epstein’s book offers a rare, stimulating perspective and seizes the moral high ground assumed by the anti-fossil fuel crowd. He defines improving human life as the standard against which to test climate change policies. By this measure, greater energy use has been a success.

The BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2018 reports on emissions of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas. It has some surprising facts.

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Global CO2 emissions continue to rise, reaching 33.4 Billion tons last year. Yet, many will be startled to learn that America easily leads the world in reducing CO2 output. Our reduction of 794 million tons over the past decade is a 1.4% annual rate of decrease. The Shale Revolution has certainly helped, although U.S. CO2 emissions peaked in 2005, long before Shale started to have its positive impact. Improved energy efficiency is one reason. More recently, cheap natural gas, combined with regulatory constraints on coal-burning utilities, have favorably altered the mix of hydrocarbons burned to produce electricity. Regrettably, the Trump Administration’s weakening of Obama-era coal constraints will moderate this positive trend.

Another surprise is that the UK managed the second biggest ten-year drop in CO2 emissions, at 170 million tons. This represents a 3.5% annual reduction rate, easily the best for any big country. Lower coal use is similarly the cause here, caused by exhaustion of commercially accessible coal reserves.

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The 2015 Paris climate accord represents the world’s desire to combat climate change through reduced greenhouse gas emissions. The U.S. withdrew from it last year. The Climate Action Network, an EU-sponsored NGO, finds that only five EU members are even halfway on track to meeting their obligations under the Paris accord. Some of the most vocal Paris supporters have been the biggest laggards.

For example, Germany has famously managed to be a leader in renewables while failing to lead in emission reductions. Heavy dependence on solar and wind requires baseload electricity generation for when it’s not sunny or windy. In Germany, that’s primarily coal (see It’s Not Easy Being Green). As an unfortunate consequence, Germany plans to increase its reliance on Russian natural gas via the Nord Stream 2 project.

Spain, Italy and Greece have all managed very credible 2-3% annual reductions in CO2 emissions. However, this is due to chronically weak economies: over the past decade, Spain has managed only one quarter of GDP growth above 1% and Italy none, while Greece has been in economic purgatory. By constraining growth in southern Europe, the Euro has been environmentalists’ most effective tool.

China produces 28% of the world’s CO2 emissions, spewing out 9.2 Billion tons which is 50% more than second placed America. This is almost four times India’s emissions level, even though they have similar sized populations. However, India is catching up, with a CO2 growth rate twice China’s.

Over the past decade, China’s increased CO2 output of 2.02 Billion tons was 60% of the global increase. Clearly, lowering CO2 won’t happen without China’s help. That will require reconciling conflicting objectives: developing countries are striving to achieve developed country living standards and longevity, which requires more energy use. Developed country advocates of reduced emissions are, in effect, seeking to slow this progress.

Thoughtful advocacy of renewables recognizes the symbiosis with natural gas in providing reliable electricity generation. The purity of thought required of renewables advocates has them rejecting even those fossil fuels that can help achieve lower overall emissions. Few would enjoy a world in which the Sierra Club had achieved all its goals.

Fossil fuels aren’t equally bad. Electricity generated by burning natural gas results in around half the CO2 output as does coal, and far less damaging particulates. Some may be surprised to learn that investing in fossil fuel infrastructure can be consistent with desiring a cleaner planet. But that’s where your blogging team sits, occupying the lonely, pragmatic middle ground and advocating natural gas as an environmental solution.

Natural gas is going to be a vital part of our energy mix for decades to come. Although movements in crude oil prices drive sentiment around U.S. energy infrastructure stocks, we have over 300,000 miles of gas transmission pipeline compared with 79,000 moving crude oil. The American Energy Independence Index provides broad exposure to the U.S. energy infrastructure network. It has a long, bright future ahead of it. We expect 10% annual dividend growth this year and next on its constituents.

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The Short Cycle Advantage of Shale

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America’s midstream energy infrastructure, the pipelines that move U.S. energy supplies to market is crucial as we strive for American Energy Independence.

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The Shale Revolution

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America’s midstream energy infrastructure, the pipelines that move U.S. energy supplies to market is crucial as we strive for American Energy Independence.

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Reliable Yields Are the Best

Before jumping at an attractive yield, investors should pause to consider its consistency.

In recent years, traditional MLP investors were victims of one of the greatest betrayals in U.S. financial history. Older, wealthy Americans were drawn to companies that paid out most of their cashflow in distributions. For years, America’s energy came from roughly the same places in the same amounts, which meant little need for pipeline operators to re-invest in the business. The Shale Revolution changed all this – new sources of oil and gas required new infrastructure (see Will MLP Distribution Cuts Pay Off?).

MLPs decided to grow, redirecting cashflows from payouts to new projects. K-1 tolerant, income seeking investors were the quintessential long term buyer sought by every CEO. All they wanted was stable income. Although for years MLPs provided this, in 2014-15 many of them seized the opportunity to be growth businesses, which redirected cash away from investors. Alignment of interests was lost. MLPs in aggregate demonstrated that Distributable Cash Flow would be paid to investors only as long as they didn’t have any better uses for it. Payouts were cut, trust was shattered. Today’s sector remains 28% below its August 2014 high, and its recovery offers something for everyone (see Growth & Income? Try Pipelines).

Stable and growing dividends remain highly valued. Although the Alerian MLP ETF (AMLP) has cut its distribution by 30% (see It’s the Distributions, Stupid!), Alerian used to post a chart with 6% average ten year distribution growth.  Index components change, and Alerian was using the historic growth of existing index members regardless of how long they’d been in the index. This introduced a survivor bias, in that MLPs cutting distributions used to be dropped while the newly IPO’d ones they added were typically growing quickly. This confused many, because it failed to match actual investor experience. It seemed that everyone but Alerian knew MLP distributions were being cut. Facing growing criticism (see MLP Distributions Through the Looking Glass), Alerian revised their chart to better match reality.

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However, energy infrastructure overall has provided far more distribution stability than shown by MLPs. The American Energy Independence Index consists of the biggest pipeline companies in America, which are mostly corporations although it includes a few MLPs as well. It yields 5.5% based on 2018 dividends, a payout that is up 10% on 2017. We expect dividend growth of almost 11% next year. While income seeking investors are naturally drawn to attractive yields, the reliability of the payout is critical.

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The chart shows that Alerian MLP Index dividends fell far more than for energy infrastructure as a whole. Moreover, they still have a long way to recover back to the levels of 2014. Although we think MLP distribution cuts are mostly behind us, the group’s history is one that income seeking investors shouldn’t soon forget. By contrast, American Energy Independence Index dividends dipped but quickly recouped their losses. The members of this index have demonstrated far more reliability with their payouts.

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The Alerian MLP Index yields 7.3%, although it’s only accessible via structurally flawed MLP-dedicated funds that pay corporate tax (see The Tax Drag on MLP Funds). Because tax expense for such funds flows out of their NAV, in reality, the yield is lower. The energy infrastructure sector’s 5.5% yield is accessible through conventional, RIC-compliant funds with no tax drag. Corporations have managed their cashflows, including payouts, far more reliably than have MLPs. Moreover, those lower payouts have meant more retained earnings to be reinvested back into their businesses.  This is what will drive the 10% annual dividend growth we expect 2017-19, a level MLPs failed to achieve even in the boom years leading up to the 2014-15 collapse.

As the second chart shows, when payouts are cut less in the short run, they grow faster over the long run. Energy infrastructure is a growth business that offers attractive yields. Investors who favor companies with a reliable history of dividends are likely to fare better.

We are short AMLP.

The Tax Drag on MLP Funds

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America’s midstream energy infrastructure, the pipelines that move U.S. energy supplies to market is crucial as we strive for American Energy Independence.

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Growth & Income? Try Pipelines

The chart below is a sobering one for pipeline investors. Over the past five years, the S&P has returned 13.1% p.a., versus -2.7% for the Alerian MLP Infrastructure Index (AMZIX). An allocation to AMZIX contributed almost a 16% p.a. performance drag, such that $100 invested in the S&P500 in July 2013 would now be worth $185 rather than $71. The Alerian MLP Fund (AMLP) did 1% p.a. worse than this.

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Starting in 2014, oil prices collapsed and MLP unit prices followed. As a consequence, energy infrastructure has a correlation with the S&P500 of only 0.63, which makes it an interesting diversifier. Cuts in payouts to fund growth were poorly received by an income-seeking investor base (see It’s the Distributions, Stupid!). Sentiment remains cautious. However, there are growing signs that pipeline companies have turned the corner.

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Dividends have started growing again. 2Q18 earnings were full of upside surprises, as higher volumes drove profits. Energy Transfer Partners (ETP) telegraphed a good quarter when discussing its combination with Energy Transfer Equity (ETE), (see Running Pipelines is Easy). Their Distributable Cash Flow (DCF) duly came in 17% ahead of expectations, in part through higher capacity utilization. Analysts expect to see 15% annual growth in DCF over the next two years.

Enterprise Products (EPD) reported a 2Q18 EBITDA beat of 13%. Enlink Midstream, LLC (ENLC) provided higher 2019 guidance. Kinder Morgan (KMI) is reducing leverage faster than expected due to its sale of TransMountain Pipeline to the Canadian government. DCF at Cheniere (LNG) is expected to grow 3 fold over the next two years as Liquefied Natural Gas exports take off. It was hard to find any bad news.

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Many of the biggest MLPs have converted to corporations, which makes the Alerian MLP Indices less representative of the sector than in the past. Last year we launched The American Energy Independence Index, which holds a diversified basket of the largest North American pipeline corporations, along with a handful of big MLPs. It yields over 5%, and we expect DCF growth of 15-20% annually through 2020. This will support healthy dividend growth as well as improved coverage ratios.

This resumption of dividend growth is attracting investors again, which has helped the sector to a higher YTD return than the S&P500.

Energy infrastructure offers a low correlation with the market, as well as being attractively valued with improving fundamentals. Adding pipeline exposure can improve a portfolio’s prospects while adding some diversification.

We are long EPD, ENCL, ETE, KMI.

We are short AMLP.