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America leads the world in oil and gas production. We believe midstream energy infrastructure offers predictable cash flows to investors..

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Life Is Better After Greta

Life after Climate Change: Better than you think by Bjorn Lomberg was recently published in the National Review. Lomberg has published several books arguing that climate change isn’t the existential disaster often portrayed in the media. His most recent is False Alarm: How Climate Change Panic Costs Us Trillions, Hurts the Poor, and Fails to […]

Environmentalists Opposed To Windpower

Climate extremists have a well deserved reputation for a simplistic approach to solving the complex problem of curbing CO2 emissions without impoverishing us all. However, poorly informed objectives doesn’t mean they have a co-ordinated approach. The growth in solar and wind power is setting environmental extremists against one another.  Take New Jersey, a state whose […]

Sending More Carbon Back Underground

Last year’s Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) raised the tax credit for CO2 that’s permanently buried underground. Some CO2 is used in Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) to help push crude out of mature, low pressure wells. It can then be pumped back into the well for permanent storage. This is Carbon Capture, Use and Sequestration (CCUS). […]

Still Uncovinced By Oneok Magellan Combo

It’s almost two months since Oneok (OKE) announced their proposed acquisition of Magellan Midstream Parners (MMP). Consummation of the transaction has never looked more promising than on the day of the press release. By mid-May, the market was ascribing less than 30% odds of shareholder approval, based on the gap between MMP and the combination […]

Celebrating The 4th of July

Independence Day is a wonderful holiday. It involves being outside in warm weather with the family to eat and watch fireworks. What’s not to like? Perhaps more than at any other time of the year, Americans rightly feel pride at our great country. As a transplanted Brit for now 41 years, my riposte to the […]