America leads the world in oil and gas production. We believe midstream energy infrastructure offers predictable cash flows to investors.
Talking Markets at GAIM in Florida
Here’s an interview I did earlier today, discussing market outlook.
Stocks That Look Like Bonds
Terry Smith, UK-based CEO of Tullett Prebon AND Fundsmith, LLP (obviously a man of prodigious energy) has written an interesting piece in the FT commenting on the attraction of owning less volatile stocks. He is highlighting the Low Beta Anomaly, a weakness in the theory behind efficient markets which predicts more risky investments need to generate a […]
Investing for Income Without Using Bonds
Barrons has a good piece highlighting dividend stocks and MLPs as sources of investment income. Andrew Bary, the writer, sounds as if he’s been reading from our playbook!
Quarterly Outlook
Fiscal issues dominated the last few weeks of 2012 and are likely to provide headlines during the next several months as well. Therefore, it’s worth contemplating what it means for investors. Following this most recent skirting of disaster with the Fiscal Cliff, it’s possible to draw some inferences about how the ongoing budgetary debate will […]
Why Compromise in Washington is so Elusive
As we approach the Fiscal Cliff, or more properly Slope, I thought the Republican negotiating strategy was very revealing. Gerrymandering, the process by which Congressional districts are tortured into shapes that resemble something drawn by a drunk with a permanent marker, are certainly part of the issue. Although the original intention was to allow for districts that reliably […]