America leads the world in oil and gas production. We believe midstream energy infrastructure offers predictable cash flows to investors.

What Cyprus Means

The EU has come up with a novel way of trampling over depositors’ rights in Cyprus with their proposed “tax” on depositors of Cypriot banks. So far through the Eurozone crisis depositors have been left whole, but the news on Saturday suggests they’ll be unwilling participants in the latest bailout. One might expect senior and subordinated […]

JPMorgan's Senate Testimony

I’m sure many found this riveting today. I worked with Ina Drew for many years and I’m sure like everybody who knows her was amazed at the losses last year. I grew to have enormous respect for Ina’s ability and can only imagine how difficult the past 15 months has been for her.

MLP Investors Pay More Tax

Master Limited Partnerships (MLPs) are one of the more tax efficient income generating investments around, given that investors can deduct depreciation from their distributions and thereby defer portions of their tax liability until they sell. We’ve been running an MLP strategy for many years, directly invested in a portfolio of partnerships. This is the best […]

Barrons Covers Bed, Bath and Beyond

Nice piece today on BBBY. We’ve liked this stock for a while, strong balance sheet, reasonably priced and exposed to the improving housing market. Barrons probably goes a little overboard in speculating that it’s the kind of name Berkshire (BRK) might choose to acquire, but we think it’s a good investment with plenty of opportunity […]

Reminding CBB's Management Who They Work For

Cincinnati Bell (CBB) will celebrate 140 years since its founding this July. It has long provided phone and data communications to residents and businesses in Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana. We have been invested in them for the tiniest sliver of their history, and today endured our very first quarterly earnings release. We were lambs to […]