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America leads the world in oil and gas production. We believe midstream energy infrastructure offers predictable cash flows to investors..

#top #wrap_all .avia-button.av-4wqy6e-72d462ef92bff37cc741de093ee99458{ margin-bottom:20px; margin-right:10px; margin-left:10px; } Energy Infrastructure ETF #top #wrap_all .avia-button.av-16vc24j-61a7b9ff24088444f2b47c6121d221c0{ margin-bottom:20px; margin-right:10px; margin-left:10px; } Energy Infrastructure Mutual Fund #top #wrap_all .avia-button.av-24qzoj-872615ebbd3f6be4aee4d88ea0974e4a{ margin-bottom:20px; margin-right:10px; margin-left:10px; } Real Asset Mutual Fund

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Miscounting America’s Crude

Wednesday’s report on crude oil stocks from the Energy Information Administration (EIA) showed a sharp jump in storage of 1 million barrels per day (MMB/D). Given the already fragile mood around tariffs slowing GDP growth, crude oil prices predictably slumped. Interestingly though, over the past year the “Adjustment”, or fudge factor which is used to […]

Stocks Will Trump Tariffs

A couple of months ago we noted in Blinded By The Bonds the paltry yields available on long term debt. Since the 2008 financial crisis, the main driver of returns has been capital appreciation, since current income has been so low. Sure enough, over the last couple of months ten year treasuries have dipped another […]

Pipelines Moving Up and Left: More Return With Less Risk

The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) is a widely accepted theoretical framework for valuing securities. An important feature is the Efficient Frontier. This reflects the concept that, although there’s an almost infinite number of portfolios that an investor can hold (think of all the individual stocks and bonds out there), a small number of these […]

Why You Should Only Buy China Through the S&P500

Last week’s article by Jason Zweig (see Think Before You Fish for Bargains in Chinese Stocks) caught my eye, because it warns against investing in Chinese stocks with the expectation of high GDP growth driving high equity returns. A major reason investors allocate to emerging economies is because they expect that relationship to reward them, […]

Pipeline Stocks Get That Warm Feeling Again

A common concern of both existing and potential investors in energy infrastructure is the relatively high volatility of recent years. Many recall the “toll-model” of pipelines that was the basis of their appeal prior to 2014. As we have often written, the Shale Revolution broke the MLP model, as companies with very high payout ratios […]