Entries by Simon Lack

More Useful Earnings and Guidance From the MLP Sector

Among energy infrastructure companies of note delivering earnings this past week was Spectra Energy (SE) and Spectra Energy Partners (SEP), the Master Limited Partnership (MLP) it controls. The results were good, coming in slightly ahead of estimates. More important was that their backlog of new projects remains robust. Last year SE management produced a soundbite […]

MLPs Report Encouraging Prospects

It’s earnings season, and last week Enterprise Products Partners (EPD) reported another solid quarter. An appealing feature of EPD is the absence of a General Partner (GP). So unlike many other MLPs, EPD LP unitholders do not suffer a haircut to Distributable Cash Flow (DCF) from GP Incentive Distribution Rights (IDRs) before the cash makes […]

Drilling Down on Oil Production Details

It’s always interesting digging into the details of what’s happening with oil and gas production. Often there’s useful information provided by the companies themselves. Baker Hughes (BHI) for example publishes a global rig count every month. It covers most oil producing regions, and shows that the global rig count (counting those in use) has barely […]

Linn Energy is Not Your Father's MLP

Master Limited Partnerships (MLPs) are best when they’re boring over the short term. Predictably raising your cashflows and distributions leads to long term excitement at the very reasonable cost of being tedious to watch on a daily basis. In 2014, Linn Energy (LINE) was the antithesis of this. While most MLPs own midstream energy infrastructure […]

Another Implausible Investment Scheme Blows Up

You’d think that following the collapse of Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi scheme in 2008, all investors would have developed a more skeptical protective layer to ward off those who would dishonestly separate them from hard-earned savings. Sadly though, examples regularly occur of the gullible being fleeced. Joe Lewis ran a currency trading business from Istanbul, Turkey that […]

Some Investors Dodge a Bullet

Winston Churchill has been quoted as once saying, “There’s nothing more exhilarating than to be shot at and missed.” Such must be the feeling of investors today who found recently they had rather more exposure to falling crude oil prices than previously thought. Chevron just announced  the indefinite suspension of a project in the Canadian […]
