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America leads the world in oil and gas production. We believe midstream energy infrastructure offers predictable cash flows to investors..

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Energy’s Momentum Continues

Last week’s news from Pfizer triggered some big sector moves, as investors sold technology stocks in favor of value like energy and financials (see The Big Rotation Begins). Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla didn’t overstate the case when he said, “It is a great day for humanity when you realize your vaccine has 90% effectiveness. That’s overwhelming,”  Moderna followed up […]

Fighting Climate Change Is Hard

Incoming President Biden is expected to take the U.S. back into the Paris Climate Agreement, which will mean policies to reduce emissions of GHGs (Green House Gases) will figure in Administration policy.   Polls showed that two thirds of registered U.S. voters described climate change as “somewhat” or “very” important in how they voted. As we saw last week, opinion polls were […]

The Big Rotation Begins

Monday’s dramatic news on Pfizer’s vaccine triggered a sector rotation which could be enduring. A vaccine that’s 90% effective is a far better outcome than most had expected, bringing the prospect of an early end to lockdowns, self-quarantines and the rest of the Victorian-era public health measures we’ve come to accept.   The ratio of the […]

Pipeline Buybacks Are Coming

Pipeline companies have been reporting earnings. As has been the case recently, they’ve been generally coming in as expected, reflecting the stability in their underlying businesses. In many cases it’s hard to see much Covid impact at all. Williams Companies (WMB) reported 3Q adjusted EBITDA down 1% year-on-year.  Enterprise Products Partners (EPD) was similar.   A bigger story has been […]

Exxon’s Contrarian Bet

On Wednesday Exxon Mobil (XOM) declared a quarterly dividend of 82 cents a share. Although this means 2020 will be the first year since 1982 that they haven’t raised it, the bigger question is whether they can sustain it. We noted recently how energy investors could fare better under a Democrat administration (see Why Exxon […]