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America leads the world in oil and gas production. We believe midstream energy infrastructure offers predictable cash flows to investors.
Are Pipelines Still Cheap?
Investors have endured several body blows this year. Inflation was already rising due to the strong rebound from Covid exacerbated by last year’s $1.9TN Covid relief spending. The long heralded and late removal of excessive monetary accommodation is about to start. More recently, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has abruptly upended decades of western engagement, ushering […]
How Far Will The Fed Go?
Next week the Fed Funds rate is expected to be raised, for the first time in over three years. Pundits love to say the Federal Reserve is “in a corner”, implying a Hobson’s Choice between possible courses of action. This hackneyed term is being deployed again, mischaracterizing their choices. It’s true inflation expectations have edged […]
Natural Gas To Remain Top Energy Source For Decades
Last week the US Energy Information Administration (EIA) published their 2022 Annual Energy Outlook. Solar and wind output are expected to grow at 4% pa, reaching 12% of our total energy production by 2050, triple their share today. This is an impressive growth rate, although less than the media coverage of renewables would suggest. It’s […]
Russia Boosts Inflation
Had Jay Powell and the FOMC prudently begun reducing the economy’s degree of monetary support a year ago when the Covid vaccine was already being administered, they’d have more flexibility to manage the economy’s current challenges. From a 2% neutral rate and with the balance sheet shrinking, they’d be able to pivot towards easing or […]
Energy: Transition Or Security
Who can’t be moved by the pictures of women being trained to fire automatic weapons, and crates of Molotov cocktails being prepared in backyards. The Ukrainian people are drawing the world’s admiration and financial markets’ attention. There are numerous possible paths for the war to follow, and each one brings its own set of investment […]