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America leads the world in oil and gas production. We believe midstream energy infrastructure offers predictable cash flows to investors..

#top #wrap_all .avia-button.av-4wqy6e-72d462ef92bff37cc741de093ee99458{ margin-bottom:20px; margin-right:10px; margin-left:10px; } Energy Infrastructure ETF #top #wrap_all .avia-button.av-16vc24j-61a7b9ff24088444f2b47c6121d221c0{ margin-bottom:20px; margin-right:10px; margin-left:10px; } Energy Infrastructure Mutual Fund #top #wrap_all .avia-button.av-24qzoj-872615ebbd3f6be4aee4d88ea0974e4a{ margin-bottom:20px; margin-right:10px; margin-left:10px; } Real Asset Mutual Fund

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Energy Infrastructure Earnings Rise With Volumes

Last week was a busy week of earnings reports for many sectors, including energy infrastructure. Growing energy sector profitability is feeding through to higher returns to investors. Over the past month the S&P Energy Sector ETF (XLE) has outperformed the S&P by over 9%. RBN Energy has a good blog post (see Better – E&P […]

The Uncertain Future of MLP-Dedicated Funds

In recent weeks there’s been growing discussion about the future of  MLPs (see Are MLPs Going Away?). Although the prospects for U.S. energy infrastructure are very good, the need for growth capital has exposed the limitations of the MLP investor base. Not everyone agrees. Stacey Morris of Alerian provided a thoughtful assessment (see Are MLPs […]

Dwindling Pipeline Capacity Causes FOMO

FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) hasn’t been much of a problem for energy infrastructure investors over the past year or so. Feelings of WAIL (Why Am I Long?) and (ahem) WTF have been far more common. So the recent rally in the sector has led many investors to enquire why. Earnings only began to be […]

A Chat with Tallgrass CEO David Dehaemers

Continuing our series of interviews with senior energy executives, we recently had the opportunity to catch up with David Dehaemers, President and CEO of Tallgrass Energy GP (TEGP). The theme of our discussions was: How has the Shale Revolution changed your business? Behind the miserable recent performance of energy infrastructure securities lies the most fantastic […]

Reaction to The Alerian Problem

Last week’s blog, The Alerian Problem, drew a bigger than average response. We reposted it on Seeking Alpha where you can see all the comments from readers. More interestingly, it led to a useful dialogue with sell-side analysts and investors. The shift from MLP to corporate ownership of energy infrastructure is becoming widely acknowledged. Since […]